Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Look who friended me on Facebook!

I was thrilled when I got a friend request from my mom. Wohoo, she's made it on Facebook. She's finally figured out how to use her computer for more then just playing solitaire. She can now see the pictures of her grandson the same day, not weeks later when I email them to her. She can also see my status updates, things like, "gonna get an adult beverage and super size it".

I began to wonder why my mom had finally taken the plunge. Was it the great pictures I'd been posting? Was it the need to see some of my high school friends kids, families, etc.? Did she wonder how much I'd been drinking at night? No, the answer I discovered was, she'd been scooped on a story!

Recently my two year old son experienced his first ambulance ride. He's fine now!! He drank Band-Aid brand antibacterial wash which contains lotacaine - can be poisonous when drunk. I didn't know how much he had drank so the nice and extremely calm woman I spoke to at Poison Control, due to the instructions on the bottle indicating if swallowed please call poison control, said my son needed to be transported by ambulance, not by me in our car, to the hospital in case he suffered a seizure or any breathing problems which are the results of drinking latocaine. So, hence the ride to the hospital in the ambulance while I, worried and scared mom and big brother, followed behind in the family car.

There was a phone call to 911, fire trucks came to the house, the ambulance came, even the police stopped by to check on things. There was a call to my husband at work, calls to my husband informing him of our room #, a call to my mom, more phone calls to family members, calls from poison control, lots of calls! My family spent 2.5 hrs at the hospital so my son could be monitored. This was all very exciting and not tragic due to the fact that my son was FINE, totally and completely FINE. During the monitoring period at the hospital my husband used his timely wisely and updated our FB pages with a picture of our son in his hospital bed with the caption "winner of the prize of first of our children to ride in an ambulance." So it was out there, posted on FB for all of our "friends" to read.

Here's where this is all leading.... My mom stopped by her old job Monday morning after the ride in the ambulance event on Sunday. She is still very friendly with ALL the people at her old job since she retired a few years ago. My mom was so anxious to relay the exciting - only because he's fine mind you - story of her grandson's weekend activities. My mom slowly started her story, as only Grandmas can do. But, when the Secretary cut her off mid sentence with the words, "I know" my mom was shaken to her core.(I can only visualize this, I wasn't there.) She already knew the story! What?!?!? How could she know her daughter had to call 911? How could this person know about her Grandson's weekend ride in an ambulance? How was this possible?! Well, the Secretary and I are friends on Facebook.

I believe this is the single event that flung my mom into action to get herself a profile and get her status updates flowing. Now, like I said I'll take the good with the bad and so far it's all good as my mom is very computer illiterate. She hasn't posted a status update or a picture, she's just lurked in on my pictures & updates.

My mom joining and friending me on FB got me thinking... What was the catalyst that made us - meaning me and all the billions of people now on FB - to set up our Facebook Profile? Was it the constant, "yeah, I saw that on his/her FB page." thrown in our face, as what happened with my mom. Was it the, "have you seen ____ went on vacation to____ ?!" Or was it, "What, you aren't on FB?!" Everyone has a breaking point and FB knows it + loves it!

Here's another thought... What will be the breaking point for EXITING Facebook? Will there ever be that point? I don't think MySpace saw FB coming. Is Twitter next for us? Maybe we will all be tweeting soon and FB will be old boring, slow news, kinda like texting kicked emails to the slow lane. I think I'm ready for the next "it" thing, but first, let me update my FB page with my blog post.

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