Saturday, November 7, 2009

Busy Bee

For the first time since my son became active in sports (mind you he's 5 and has been playing since he was 3 - yes only 2 years!), I questioned whether or not I'd become one of those families you read about in magazines, ya know the one's where the kids are in all these activities, piano, painting, swimming and the professional opinion of the Dr. Somethingrother, says the parents are doing it wrong, that their kid is TOO active.

This morning I headed to urgent care to confirm I only had a cold and not bronchitis or some other yuckiness going around. (This appointment was not on the calendar!) Meanwhile, my husband and the boys headed to Sears to buy replacement parts for the garage door that broke as I tried to open it - their original morning plan included pancakes & Xbox.
My appointment complete, codeine laced cough syrup in hand, I raced across town to join my husband and sons at the Meet & Greet for Basketball, my oldest wanted to play again. We shook hands with the other parents, exchanged phone numbers, checked out the competition and 30 minutes later left with a white t-shirt - seriously, a white shirt people- announcing my son will be a Clipper this season.

Next was the gotta-go-now trip to Target to purchase snack stuff for the soccer game, yep our 2nd turn at snack. I then rushed home with my Gatorade and granola bars. I cut oranges (purchased at Costco earlier in the week, I did remember we had snack.) and stuffed goody-bags. I then headed to the soccer field to put in my 1.5 hrs of volunteer time at the check- in table.

It was now game time. I was very ready to attend a game, to sit down, do some cheering, and watch my oldest son run his little legs off. But today I didn't attend the game, I sat in the car w/my younger son who wouldn't stay off the field and sit down and watch because he didn't take a nap because my husband was at home trying to fix the garage door, and didn't think a nap was necessary as he had fallen asleep in the car on the way to the Meet & Greet. Whew! Yep, I think I might agree with Dr. Somethingrother that 2 sports at 1 time are too many!

I don't think my son is overwhelmed or stressed out, he is blissfully unaware of the behind the scenes activities. Me on the other hand, yikes I'm gonna go check the overwhelmed & stressed out box on the form! I don't mind the actual playing of the sports and I can drive to practice once a week, that's easily accomplished. It's the "helping" that seem to overwhelm me - yes, just me, not my husband :)

I'm a big fan of "if everyone does a little, no one does a lot". (I stole that saying from my Pastor at Promise Lutheran - shout out!!) After my day today, it helped me see that I should appreciate that I only volunteered for 1.5 hrs today and only today. Thank you to other parents who picked up the other 1.5 hrs each and every other Saturday!

I'm going to continue sports and keep my son active, he was the one who requested the BB mind you. And I'll bring snack on our assigned snack day and I'll work at the booth when I'm needed.... but tonight, I'm a just a bit exhausted from my part in it all. The dishes can wait, my adult beverage will be a double, and tomorrow, being Sunday, will be a day of rest.