Later my mind raced again with ideas and questions and this time I pulled out a pen and paper and began to write them down.
1. Article in the Daily Bulletin about Army recruiting on the rise, due to the economy. I had many thoughts about this, including the selfish thought of gratitude that it's them and not me. The warm fuzzy feeling of living in the USA where I'm free to choose. Yep I could do a list of reasons why that article aroused questions with in me... another time maybe.
2. Lists. Are you suppose to blog in terms of lists? Is that how it's done? Is that the best way? Is there research to support this? Again, for another day.
3. Pondering statements, questions and other personal stuff that comes out only when moms are alone with other moms. Does someone eventually write that stuff down? Should it be me? Would my mom friends be upset if I blogged their "question"?
4. After reading an article in a parenting magazine about teeth healthiness for kids that use a pacifier at age 2; I began wondering, does a sippy cup count as something that kids suck on that can ruin their teeth? Should I look into this as I know I'm going to have to get braces for my boys? What do braces cost? I could do a listing blog here for sure!
5. The many reasons I love reading Cookie Magazine! It could also include the many reasons why I shouldn't read it, along with reasons why it's over the top in and probably does more harm then good to my self esteem when I read it. Here's a list in a list: 4 articles that I read more then once in the Sept 09 issue: The optimist Child, Open Wide, Mommy Warrior, Jenny McCarthy is interviewed - she might get a show through Oprah!!, and Back to Work. Yet another list... should I do this one first?
6. After reading the article in Cookie, Back to Work, I'm even more conflicted about thinking about looking for a job. A list of pro's & con's would work well for a blog here. Gosh, I guess lists are the way to go!
7. Fretting about how to teach my son about stranger danger/don't let people touch under your clothes/and all that yucky stuff about yucky people who are out to hurt kids. Are there books? Websites? Do I ask friends? Would this be a topic that goes on the list of things that moms talk about when their alone with other moms?
8. What are the "normal" levels of anxiety when your oldest goes off to Kindergarten for the first time? This one I'm almost afraid to look in to as I'm seriously afraid of where I might be placed on the list!
9. I'm on #9, so I guess the list thing works. And why do lists go to 10?
10. Blogging. Can this be my job? And Facebook would probably fall into this blog, though I'm sure it could have it's own! The computer, me and the future - endless possibilities.
11. The words a mother ushers into her vocabulary as others leave, "K-chow", "To infinity and beyond!". I could then do another list, which I could probably be #12 on this list, of phrases such as, "No, don't stick______ up your ______!". You could add to this list all the different ways you bribe your kids into doing things. I should probably make that #13, but I'm still keeping them all together as they are the things that get squeezed into a moms brain, while other stuff get's squeezed out. Here's a very good example. I clearly know it's called a restroom, but still my mouth blurts out potty quicker then I can correct it!
12. I could fill up a whole blog on weight, food, too much weight, too much food - enough said there!
13. Now where do I start?!
Yep, I'm quitting at lucky #13. This is where my list ends for today as I now feel my mind is free of these thoughts & ideas. They are on paper, online, I own them now as I've written them down. I can now begin a list!